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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

05.12 - Sources and Notecards

Today, everyone had the period to work on creating notecards from the sources they found. At this point, everyone should have three or more sources and fifteen or more notecards.

I was available today to meet with people who had questions and checked in with people who had fewer than three sources or fewer than five notecards. Our goal is to have three sources and fifteen notecards by the end of class tomorrow. Everyone will use class time on Wednesday and Thursday to begin putting information from their notecards into a discussion about the problem they are researching.

Below are some guiding questions to help people in finding information for their research:

(Click Image to Enlarge)
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Useful Resources:
Submitted Today:
  • 3 sources, 15 notecards

  • For class tomorrow, have all of the sources and notecards you feel you will need to write about the problem your project will seek to address.