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Friday, May 8, 2015

05.08 - Notecard Creation

Today, I handed out some information on surfing from one of the reliable sources that we found in our work on how to effectively search for information/sources. Everyone had class time to complete this notecard practice activity. 

We then discussed people's responses and looked at how to enter this information on the notecard spreadsheet. I have shared the notecard spreadsheet with everyone to the Google document where they already had their sources spreadsheet (everyone should see a table along the lower left portion of their sources document that reads "Copy of Research Notecards").

Model Spreadsheet (using today's surfing article for examples)

Everyone had the remaining time in class to continue to work on entering sources onto their bibliography notesheet and then to begin using their sources to generate notecards just as we did today.


Useful Resources:

Submitted Today:
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  • Find and cite sources that provide information on the problem you are researching. For Monday, everyone should have three sources and five or more notecards.