Next, I handed out updated grade report sheets and a couple students helped to return assignments. I explained how to read the grade report sheet. Everyone then had the remaining portion of the period to complete assignments and revisions as necessary.
Following these revisions, people were to resume their work on analyzing the 10.09 gubernatorial debate for logical fallacies. When people had watched these debates and taken notes I gave them the analysis questions to answer in response to the debates. In class, we talked about how these questions could be best approached. This formal analysis will be due on Friday.
Only the notes on responses and fallacies needs to be completed at this point
(not the analysis resposne on the third page)
Watch the gubernatorial debate from 10.09.14 in Waterville and take note of the candidates' responses to any four questions and then note what logical fallacies (if any) occur in their responses. Use these notes to complete the formal analysis of logical fallacies (see analysis sheet above).