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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

04.01 - Labyrinth and the Hero's Journey

The focus of class today was in working more with the hero's journey and how that model can be applied to a complete story. Previously, we had looked at this model in relation to a simple classic myth (Orpheus and Eurydice). Today, our focus was on a more detailed, yet still generally straight-forward story through the movie Labyrinth.

We began watching the movie today and will finish watching it next class. While watching the movie, everyone was asked to jot down notes regarding different steps of the hero's journey and different archetypal figures in the story. These notes should be fleshed out and completed for homework (everyone should be able to cover about half of the hero's journey and have a good sense for all of the archetypal figures).

We will finish the movie tomorrow in class.

Labyrinth Summary (helps with names and as a refresher for what happens in the movie. Today we watched through the whole front side of the sheet in class)

Hero's journey stages for Labyrinth
Hero's journey map for Labyrtinth (we will use the wheel section on Thursday)

Introduction to the Hero's Journey (has good definition information)
Hero's Journey map (also has good definition information)
Hero's Journey diagram (shows stages of the journey)


Complete the hero's journey stages for Labyrinth and archetypal characters for what we have seen so far in the movie.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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