Questions that we used to guide today's discussion were as follows:
Partner Groups
Now that you’ve prepared to argue both sides and did argue one side of your debate, what is your final decision on the topic? Do you feel you are “for” or “against” the topic or somewhere in between?
What do you feel you learned from researching this topic?
Group Discussion
What was the actual debate like for you? How would you improve your presentation in a debate another time?
Complete the diagram/rating scale on the back of this sheet and use it to explain your experience of this process.
At the end of the period, I returned assessed work. We will look at grade report sheets in class tomorrow.
Both position papers (for and against) on your debate topic should be handed in. If those are not completed, they should be completed as soon as possible (see post on 12.17 and rubrics above for more information on paper writing).