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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11.12 - Dimensions of Tone

We started today's class by looking at the different tone changes that people made to the song "Front Porch Swing Afternoon" that we looked at on Monday. We also created some sentences to communicate tone and looked at how adjective and verbs could be improved to make tones more clear.

Next, we looked at other dimensions of tone which included:

Subjective (opinion) vs. Objective (neutral)
Informal vs. Formal

Everyone then took a look at the poem "The Ocean" by Nathaniel Hawthorne analyzing the poem for the various dimensions of tone that we addressed in class. We then came together as a group and people shared their annotations (these annotations can be seen here).

People then worked with a partner to begin annotating "The Sea Chews Things Up" for tone. These annotations should be completed for homework.


Salt Water Tones: "The Ocean" and "The Sea Chews Things Up"


Finish annotating "The Sea Chews Things Up" for its use of tone.

Memorize your Poetry Out Loud poem (recitations are on Thursday, 11/20 and Friday, 11/21).

Work on any or all of the following revisions:
TED Talk Formal Analysis (6 paragraphs) - due Friday, 11/21
Gubernatorial Logical Fallacy Analysis - due Friday, 11/21
Lessig or Meyer Formal Analysis (See 10.17 and 10.21) - due Friday 11/21