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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11.05 - Poetry Out Loud

Today's class was focused on starting Poetry Out Loud. To do this we took a look at two poems and how they convey a meaning and message. We looked at Robert Burns' "To a Mouse" and E.E. Cummings' "me up at does".

Next, we took a look at how best to select a poem which people will be analyzing, memorizing, and reciting. Since this is also a national competition we looked at what to consider when selecting a poem based on whether it was for competitive purposes or class purposes (see handout).

I then showed everyone how to navigate the Poetry Out Loud website to search for a poem. People had the next twenty minutes to look for a poem. The idea was to spend this time reading poems and, even if you found the poem you want to recite, keep reading poems just to get a sense of how your poem compares to other poems and for the sheer enjoyment of reading poems. We will continue working with this next class.


Work on the formal analysis of your TED Talk (due this Friday, 11/7)