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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

09.23 - Logical Fallacies Wrap Up

For the first part of class today, we reviewed rhetorical appeals by reading an editorial and identifying which appeal (ethos, logos, pathos) was being featured in each paragraph. People wrote these responses in their writer's journal explaining how they knew that appeal was being used in that paragraph. Some paragraphs may feature two appeals.

After everyone had a chance to complete this analysis we discussed students' responses. Next, we returned to looking at former president Bush's "Iraqi Threat" speech for potential logical fallacies. As a class we discussed the fallacies people identified in paragraphs eight, twelve, and thirteen. Everyone handed these in at the end of class or took them home to finish them as necessary.


If you had not done so in class, finish analyzing the rhetorical strategies in paragraphs 14 and 15 of former president Bush's "Iraqi Threat" speech.