The voting age should be lowered to 16.
Next, everyone moved into a group with the other people who had been working with the same appeal (ethos, logos, or pathos). In their groups, everyone shared the arguments they came up with for today's writing prompt and for last night's homework assignment. I was on hand to answer any questions about how this type of appeal is used.
Groups then had ten minutes to construct arguments around the following statement using their appeal:
Sports should not be connected to public high schools (club teams are fine though).
After creating their arguments, groups shared their arguments with the other groups in class who tried to discern what approach each appeal valued based on the arguments by that group. The group who presented then explained their type of appeal and I handed out an informational sheet on that type of appeal.
We then took a look at a speech on bullying which makes use of all three types of appeal. A volunteer and I read this aloud to the class.
For homework, everyone should complete a SOAPs analysis of this speech and then identify which appeal they feel was most effective (explaining why in their discussion).
Anti-Bullying Speech (shows different appeals in action)
Identify SOAPs for the anti-bullying speech provided above.
Identify which appeal seems to be most effective in the anti-bullying speech and explain why.